Terms of Service

At AuthNTick Identity Service we are committed to respecting the privacy of our customers.   It's important that you feel secure whenever you deal with us. It's also important that you understand how we protect your privacy as well as how, when and where we may use your details.   This Privacy Policy relates to personal information that we collect and handle about you as a customer, supplier, visitor to our site, a job applicant or as someone who engages with us through social media, other digital services, correspondence or in person as a member of the public. Our present and former staff should contact our human resources team for details about how we maintain the privacy of their personal information.

Personal information means any information or opinion about an identified individual, or an individual who is reasonably identifiable   If you are a customer, the personal information we may collect about you might include, for example, your name, contact details and date of birth, as well as copies of your identity documents. Personal information may also include information within checks ordered through AuthNTick Identity Service, such as your career information, professional or trade qualifications, work history, references, financial information, accommodation history and previous legal claims, both before and after the information has been verified by AuthNTick Identity Service.   We will also collect other information, some of which may be personal information, including information about your check history with AuthNTick Identity Service, which areas of the site you visit (see the section "cookies", below) and records of your communications and interactions with us.   In all cases, the personal information that we collect will depend on the nature of your interaction with us and will only be information necessary for one of our functions and activities.

Where it is reasonable and practicable to do so, we collect your personal information directly from you when you sign on as a user, create checks, enter into arrangements with us, correspond with us or provide feedback to us. We will record, collect and hold information in relation to your transactions with us. We may monitor and record your communications with us (including email and telephone) for security, dispute resolution and training purposes.   Depending on the nature of our interaction with you, we may collect personal information from third parties – for instance, information regarding shareholders may be collected from our share registry; and information identifying job applicants may be supplied by a recruitment agency. Also, when you order a check as a customer, the verified information will be collected from the third party source.   We hold personal information electronically and in hard copy form, both at our own premises and with the assistance of our service providers. Our main database, where all verified records are held, is located in Australia. We implement a range of measures to protect the security of that personal information. We also take measures in respect of destroying or de-identifying personal information that is no longer needed for any lawful purpose.   We will reasonably ensure that personal information we collect, use or disclose is accurate, complete and up to date.

If you are an individual user

The main reasons why we would collect personal information about you are:

  • To check and verify that the information you have provided and the personal information located from other sources is correct;
  • To place your personal and career information on AuthNTick Identity Service's system so that prospective employers and employment agencies and other relevant persons authorised by you may view the information through our secure website;
  • To administer and provide our products and services to you;
  • To communicate with you, our customer;
  • To understand the needs of our customers and continuously develop and improve our products and services;
  • To protect against fraud or other misuse or loss of data; and
  • To ensure your security when visiting our website and to learn which areas of the site are of most interest to you (see the section ‘cookies' below).

All information will be collected lawfully, fairly and not in an intrusive way.

  If you are a corporate user

The main reasons why we would collect personal information about you are:

  • To check and verify that the information you have provided and the personal information located from other sources is correct;
  • To comply with our legal obligations to know who has access to the personal information of individuals on our system;
  • To administer and provide our products and services to you and your employer;
  • To better communicate with our customer;
  • To understand the needs of our customers and continuously develop and improve our products and services;
  • To protect against fraud or other misuse or loss of data; and
  • To ensure your security when visiting our website and to learn which areas of the site are of most interest to you (see the section ‘cookies' below).

All information will be collected lawfully, fairly and not in an intrusive way.   If you are not a customer of AuthNTick Identity Service   We will collect personal information in order to communicate with you and may collect personal information in order to understand the transactions and interactions within our business and comply with our reporting and other legal obligations. Also, if you are:

  • A job applicant, we will collect personal information in order to assess your suitability for the position;
  • A shareholder, we may collect personal information in order to comply with our legal obligations;
  • A supplier, we may collect personal information for reasons incidental to the supply and the running of our business.

  If we have asked you to verify information   The main reasons why we would collect personal information about you are:

  • To check and verify that information provided by the applicant is correct;
  • To administer and provide our products and services to our customers;
  • To understand the needs of our customers and continuously develop and improve our products and services;
  • To protect against fraud or other misuse or loss of data; and
  • To ensure your security when visiting our website and to learn which areas of the site are of most interest to you (see the section ‘cookies' below).

All information will be collected lawfully, fairly and not in an intrusive way.

AuthNTick Identity Service will disclose your information only in accordance with the professional services we provide.   We want to provide our customers with the very best products and services. At times we may partner with another organisation to support the products and services we offer. Some of our service providers provide services to us entirely or partly from overseas locations and we may in order to receive those services occasionally transfer personal information overseas.   If you are a customer, to electronically verify your identity documents, it will be necessary to disclose those identity documents to a third party supplier who is overseas. To conduct a check, it will be necessary to disclose some of your personal information to the entity that will verify the accuracy of your information. For a check relating to another country, that entity will be in that other country and so your information must be disclosed overseas.   If we have asked you to verify information, it will be necessary to share your personal information with our customers when we confirm that you have verified the information.   As you will appreciate in certain circumstances we may be compelled by law to disclose your personal information to various authorities.   This is to your benefit and helps us to provide the products and services you would expect from AuthNTick Identity Service.

You have a right to access your personal information held by AuthNTick Identity Service. There is no charge to put in a request to see your information and we can easily provide you with general information such as your name, address and contact details.   If you believe that any information is incorrect or out of date you may of course ask us to correct it.   However, we may need to charge you a small administration fee to cover our costs if you want to access more detailed information or take copies of information on your file.   If you wish to access information or to lodge a complaint about the privacy practices of AuthNTick Identity Service please put your request or complaint in writing and send it to:


Privacy Officer
AuthNTick Identity Service
PO Box 5034
Kingsdene NSW 2118 Australia
or send an email to:privacyofficer@authntick.com.au

We take great care with the information we hold about you. All information stored electronically is password protected.   Our aim is to ensure that any details are securely protected from misuse, loss, and unauthorised access, modification or disclosure by way of maintaining:

  • Physical security by preventing unauthorised access to our premises;
  • Computer network security including password security to prevent unauthorised access;
  • Communication security; and
  • Limiting access to authorised staff and contractors of AuthNTick Identity Service.

When the information is no longer needed we will take reasonable steps to destroy or de–identify personal information.

Cookies are small data files that are downloaded from our web servers and stored on your hard drive.   A cookie is a string of letters and numbers that uniquely identify the computer you are using and the Username and password you may have used to register at the site.   Two types of cookies are used on the AuthNTick Identity Service site.   The first tracks a visitor's journey through our site. This allows us to see at a glance which pages and information is of most interest to visitors. This type of cookie contains no personal information at all; it is simply a record of your journey through the site.   The second type of cookie exists only for the actual time you are logged on. These cookies ensure greater security for you by authenticating and identifying whether you are registered for the secure areas of the site - without the need for you to re–enter information.   Most browsers can be configured to refuse to accept cookies. You can also delete cookies from your hard drive. However, doing so may hinder your access to valuable areas of information within our site.

At AuthNTick Identity Service we value our customers. We will always aim to be fair and responsive.   If you have a complaint you have the right to expect that we will handle it in a friendly and professional way.   When we receive a complaint we look on it as valuable feedback that may help us to improve the services we offer and to ensure your needs are met in a satisfactory and appropriate manner.   If you wish to complain at any time about the handling, use or disclosure of your personal information just write to us at the following address:  

AuthNTick Identity Service
PO Box 5034
Kingsdene NSW 2118
or send an email to:privacyofficer@authntick.com.au

We will make all efforts possible to investigate your complaint and advise you of the outcome as soon as possible.   If the matter is not resolved to your satisfaction you can then refer your complaint to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner who can be contacted through the following website: https://www.oaic.gov.au/individuals/how-do-i-make-a-privacy-complaint.

You can request further information about the way we manage the personal information that we hold by writing to:
AuthNTick Identity Service
PO Box 5034
Kingsdene NSW 2118
or send an email to:privacyofficer@authntick.com.au

The details you give us may be used to inform you about any special offers we think will be of interest to you and to update you on new products and services or changes to our website.   We may also send you details of offers or services provided by our business partners and related AuthNTick Identity Service entities.   You may at any time choose not to receive these communications. Doing so will not cost you anything and we will aim to ensure you stop receiving any unwanted communications as soon as possible.